Thursday 2 June 2011

Trail Walk episode # 13

It's Thursday morning, 02 June, as we arrive in Tracadie to resume our Confederation Walk. Our very gracious driver  for the next 3 days will be Greg Grant... I believe his wife Donna has convinced  him to help us in this way as we continue our walk eastward.

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Donna is ready to take on the first stage of the trail walk this morning as she and David wave farewell departing from theTracadie point.

Along the trail on this sunny morning we are confronted by a ferocious rabbit that stops our progress....but David will save the day as he convinces the rabbit to leave.

David has been walking for 11 days, he hugs the sign post overjoyed at having reached the 200 km mark 

We meet the walkers, David and Donna in Mt Stewart and check with them if they want to continue...sure they say!

We must take a photo of a land mark site in Mt Stewart before departing on the trail.

It's now approaching 12 noon, Donna and David have walked 12 Km and it is now time to make a change as Gilles steps in for Donna.

As David and Gilles make their way to  Morell we stop to examine a beaver pond and also look at the large fields of blueberries.

David taking a little rest at the old Morell train station after walking 24 Km today.

David and Gilles point to the Morell trail sign post as they happily arrive at the destination today. Tomorrow morning we gather here at 8:30 am and head to Selkirk.

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