Sunday 5 June 2011

Trail Walk episode #15

Saturday morning, 7:30 as we leave Fran's home in St Theresa to be driven by Greg to our departure point in Selkirk.

Lupins on Prince Edward Island
Our reliable driver Greg Grant drops us off at the Selkirk road. David McIsaac, Donna Grant, Gilles Michaud and our new walker member for this morning Lisa McIsaac all prepare to leave the Selkirk trail point.

We bid farewell to our walkers as they head east toward Harmony Junction, 17 Km.

We come upon a beautiful lake on this leg of the Confederation Trail.

We arrive at the Bear River road. Greg is waiting for us and Lisa decides that this is as far that she will go .... the other three walkers, David, Donna and Gilles continue their walk to Harmony Junction.

We arrive at the Souris sign post indicating 6 Km to Souris, but this is as far as we had planned to go for today.

The artesian well is a welcome site at the Harmony Junction. 

Donna and Gilles take advantage of the cool and refreshing water.
                                                                                                                                                              We arrived at Harmony Junction on the Confederation Trail at 12 noon..

 We left Tignish on the 18th May and since that time we have walked a total of 256 Km.
It is now time for a few days of rest so we have decided to go back home. David McIsaac will resume his walk on the 12th June which will bring him to his destination, Elmira, more specically on Munns road where he was born 70 long years ago.

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