Friday 3 June 2011

Trail Walk episode # 14

It's Friday morning, 3 June, as we gather at the Morell trail sign post. The walkers that will start us off this morning are David McIsaac, Donna Grant, and Mary Boyd who has come to join us on this leg.

As they leave on the trail heading toward St Peters we wave farewell.

We continue our walk and begin to notice the very picturesque view of St Peters bay that begins to appear on our left.

We arrive in St Peters after 3 hours of walking. Our walkers have increased by one ... Julia MacDougald-Donahoe had arrived late for the departure from Morell but eventually caught up to us.... welcome Julia!

It 's now time for our usual change of walkers. Gilles now joins David for the remainder of the walk to Sekirk 12 Km further on.

David and Gilles wave au revoir as they leave St Peters heading to Sekirk.

                                                                          The Cow River Wetlands is a most interesting site as we stop to listen to the sounds of the many creepers and the many birds that make-up this ecosystem.

A big hug by Gilles is given to the Selkirk sign post that we have been searching for this afternoon and have found after walking 12 Km.

Our faithful driver Greg Grant is waiting for us at the Selkirk road. We are driven back to St Theresa where we have been given shelter, a bed and home and much good food for these past 2 days.
On our arrival at Fran's home in St Theresa we are not long before removing our footwear to rest our aching feet. 
Once again we are fed a wonderful meal, afterwhich we enjoy a relaxing and happy gathering along with her family.

Tomorrow morning at 8:30 am we will gather on the trail at the Selkirk road and begin our walk to Harmony Junction that will bring us to the outskirts of Souris.

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