Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Tignish PEI Our Start point

Wednesday morning , there is a light mist over the western part of the island as we arrive in Tignish. Ann McIsaac-McRae, drives our car up to the Tignish village park, the start point of the PEI Confederation Trail.
Its approaching 10 am David McIsaac and Gilles Michaud check out the Trail map and the signage (see photo).

Other persons begin to arrive to wish us well as we begin our walk (see the photo).

 Among those persons is one that has experienced the bitterness of poverty, Stella McRae (photo) a 92 year old, mother of 15 children, a grandmother and a great grandmother.
Its time to move on, there are a few persons that decide to begin the walk with David and Gilles. They are; Beulah and Bill Costain, Helen McQuaid.

David and Gilles say farewell to our companions and are now off on their on with a determined stride that will lead us to the village of Elmdale, a distance of  27 Km., our destination for today.
In the late afternoon as we progress in our walk our solitude is interrupted by encountering fellow walkers on the trail. We soon learn that they have come from New Hamshire  and have always wanted to experience walking the entire Confederation Trail. We talk about the high number of persons in our province that suffer from poverty. They tell us that they have many neighbours in their home town that can't find work and that they have lost their homes.

Its 4:30 in the afternoon we are dog tired as we finally arrive to our destination for the day.
Tomorrow, 19 May, we will begin where we left off, Elmsdale, and try to walk as far as O'Leary.
Continue to join us in our adventure and in our attempt to bring an awareness of the Eradication Poverty In PEI.

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