Monday 23 May 2011

Trail Walk episode # 6

Monday, 23 May, Victoria Day... somehow Gilles Michaud is in the photo but the 4 hardy souls that will start the walk for the day are; David McIsaac, Leah Michaud, Helen McQuaid, and Donna Grant.
This morning we are leaving Wellington and heading toward our destination for the day, Summerside.

Its a cool morning as we say farewell to the group determined to reach their destination for the day, Summerside, a 22 Km journey.

Everyday as we walk the trail we see the many beautiful scenes that nature offers us, as well the occasional animal or bird.                                Can someone help us with this it a duck?


After six days on the trail we finally break 100 Km.
We could not have made it this far without leaning on each other.

We are saddened by what we saw, the clear cutting that had taken place along the trail as we approached Miscouche.
As we walk a little further we notice the high power lines that align the trail and wonder how harmful to the health of those persons that use the trail.

We arrive in Miscouche at 12 noon. A small break is taken as some of us allow other persons to take on the last leg of the day to Summerside.

David and Gilles arrive in Summerside at 01:30...we are ahead of our estimated time of arrival that was to be 02:00...David seems to be walking at a much faster pace...not bad for an old fellow that is fast approaching 70.
A few photos of the sites in Summerside.

The Summerside Farmers Market.

What was once the Summerside Railroad Station.
We are later told that a group of ladies from the CWL along with Sr. Regina McQuaid showed up to greet us but we had already left for home.
 We are grateful for your support as we continue to make known the PEI Strategy for the Eradication of Poverty.
 Hopefully we will see you in the morning as we return to Summerside at 09:00 to begin our walk to Kensington.

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