Monday 30 May 2011

Trail walk episode # 11

It's 8:30 am, Monday morning, 30th May. David and Leah are ready to begin their walk from the Brackley Point Road.

What is this? Somebody has left a meal of peanuts on a stump of a tree for the chipmunks or squirrels.
There are always the small backyard farms that we occasionally come upon. This one has a small pond with ducks enjoying a swim on a sunny day.
We arrive in York and David is happy to see that we are heading in the right direction.

It's 10:30 am and Leah and David arrive in Suffolk. The sun has come out in full force during the course of our walk and it is now 20 C. We have been attacked by black flies and mosquitoes along our 11 Km walk.

The switch is made. Gilles Michaud replaces Leah and our steadfast David motors on heading toward Tracadie, 10 Km ahead.

A small peat bog along the side of the trail is a sign of a very interesting eco
 system on our island.

David and Gilles arrive in Tracadie at 12:30 pm. We are exhausted mostly because in our last leg of the walk today, we were attacked by many hungry and vicious mosquitoes.

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