Saturday 21 May 2011

Trail Walk episode # 4

David has been on the trail for a total of 3 days and needs to rest before his 4th day.

The group for today's walk had a difficult decision to make, to go or not to go? The morning air is very cool and it will be a wet day. Decision is is a go.
Morning of May 21st......Francis Pickle, David, and Donna Grant are the walkers for the Eradication of Poverty Walk as they line up before departing Portage.
It would seem that the inclement weather has David hesitating to go on while the two women are determined to go on.
Although not a pleasant day, it being cold and wet, the scenery on the trail is always breathtaking.

What a pleasant surprise as we approach Ellerslie; we are met by Paula Biggar, the MLA for Tyne Valley and her husband  Dale. Helen McQuaid has also joined the walk.

We arrive in Ellerslie and the group lines up for a photo-op with Paula, but she is not quite satisfied with David's Eradication of Poverty sign.

There now, this is much better Paula says....

The group is invited to the Ellerslie Red & White for a treat, compliments of Paula.

Tomorrow a.m., 22nd May, we will gather in Ellerslie and leave for Richmond....thank you for joining us...your comments are appreciated.

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